Jason Karp from hu kitchen, EveryTable (analysis of the good/bad), Full body MRI (Puenvo etc), Gut test (Viome etc), DNA test (23andme etc), Althetics green (when to use, is it really needed?), analysis of Patagonia camp foods, how bad is flavor soda (la crux), testing flour in europe vs us (for inflammation).

There's more, i'll stop here. Sorry for the homework assignment 😅

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Great read man. Keep em’ coming! I always learn something.

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Podcast topic… Dry Cleaning. I went down this rabbit hole. It’s dark.

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Would love if you include heavy metal exposure (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead) in your toxin exposure deep-dive!

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So when you order a decaf americano can you assume the beans have been Swiss water treated or is this wishful thinking???

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haha - i wish! unfortunately that's very unlikely

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I figured as much!! Trying to cut down on caffeine but inadvertently pumping myself with gross chemicals instead! Appreciate the info

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The Ray Peat one will be fun to listen to!

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Yoooo, been drinking decaf all day. Thanks for this. Listening to your episode with Noah kagan. My dream is to launch a CPG and Im inspired by you. 🫶

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