“I’m thinking a lot more about ways to nudge the world towards a decentralized food system… if any of you have thoughts or ideas, I am all ears!”

I would argue finance has to be one of (if not the) largest levers in affecting this type of change - given the force money applies to everything it touches. Ex. $125K in a savings account at a Big 4 US bank generates as much in carbon emissions (through the fossil fuel development projects Chase, BoA, etc. are funding with those dollars on the other side of their balance sheet) as the average American does in a year. Accordingly, here’s my highly biased plug for everybody moving their savings to a new digital bank focused on funding more sustainable local food ecosystems: www.waldenmutual.com

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Hey Justin, would love a business deep dive on how you started the manufacturing side of kettle and fire. Love some of the products you mentioned, would love to see a Sauna built for people living in apartment buildings (no outdoor space for a large sauna)!

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Hi Justin, regarding air filters and colds, we're learning from the COVID fiasco that filters in schools are no help - at least when it comes to the coronavirus - https://www.eugyppius.com/p/scientists-conduct-study-to-prove?r=9damc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web:

"The Bonn results suggest very strongly that HEPA filtration actually enhance infections. This may be, as Prof. Freedom on Twitter suggests, because they don’t actually filter out all virus particles, but merely recirculate a small number of them. An additional effect might be immunological. The various particulates in the air probably stimulate our immune system in minor ways, causing the occasional sneeze and sniffle that also tend to repel respiratory pathogens. Perhaps, by removing these ordinary impurities, we simply give the virus a clearer path into our noses and throats."

Seems like the best thing we can do about viruses is keep a healthy immune system.

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Do you have a list somewhere of the companies you source your healthy good from? Like sunscreen, Patagonia for underwear etc.

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So interesting re citric acid!

Some thoughts re decentralized food:

- Cost is of course going to be the major driver here; I don’t think you can do this without lowering cost, shifting some subsidies from corn/soy to organic decentralized food could help

- I think there’s opportunity in helping people grow their own food, like Click and Grow and the mushroom grower you linked to

- Part of it is due to the on-the-go culture in the US and until that changes it will be hard. I wonder if there are smaller communities that could serve as pilots

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totally agree!

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Great overview of some products that I wasn’t aware of...thanks Justin!

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